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is a full service commercial collection agency with a proven track record. Personal contact by our experienced staff of professionals produces a high rate of recovery. The tact and training of our staff will protect your company's hard-earned reputation.

Using current technology, every claim is evaluated and assigned to a member of our staff. Initial demand letters are sent immediately and are followed up with personal contact.

The professional staff of COASTAL CREDIT SERVICES INC. is in close contact with the client to work through problems and arrive at a solution that satisfies the client. One of our goals is to preserve the client's long-term relationship with the debtor.

Our fees are based on the amount of the claim submitted for collection. We require no contracts or annual fees and there are no up-front charges.

Although most claims placed with us are collected by our staff, some claims will require forwarding to an attorney. We work with a group of lawyers located all over the world. This legal staff will help you judge whether litigation will be successful as well as cost-effective.

If you would like to know more about
COASTAL CREDIT SERVICES INC., please contact us and request our brochure. We can be reached by mail, phone, and e-mail. TEST